Grade 6 into Year 7 Transition

Hampton Park Secondary College has a strong tradition of transition processes that are individualised and nurturing. We have a variety of processes in place to allow for a smooth transition of students on their journey to, and during their time, at the College.

We pride ourselves on the strong collaboration we have with feeder primary schools. In Terms 3 and 4 of the year before students begin at the college, our staff visit with primary school staff of upcoming Explore students to ensure that each child’s learning and social needs are well understood when we are allocating classes.

Year 6 students complete learning tasks that assist Explore (Year 7) teachers in gauging the learning needs of all our Year 6 students transitioning to the College. Specific Learning Programs are then designed for the students, with the students, as they enter their Explore year.

At the beginning of the Explore year, students and their families are welcomed at a “Meet the Teachers” evening in, as well as the College annual Open Night where we showcase our programs, values and initiatives. Students and families are also invited to attend our annual end of year Awards Night.

The Year 6 – 7 transition can be bring excitement and nerves, for both the young people and their parents. Please see the bottom of this page for information on how to create a successful transition for your child, as well as other resources your family may find helpful during this time.

Transition Resources

The following resources have been compiled by the Wellbeing Team, as they provide valuable information that families may find helpful, during the transition from Primary to Secondary School.

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