Pathway to Success
There are many pathways for students. At HPSC, we recognise that success can occur in many ways. All students are unique and individual. At our College, we recognise that ‘one size does not fit all’, and students are encouraged to find and follow their own passion to achieve success. We are very proud of all our students.
We are very proud of all our students.

Ken Lay
Our VCE Dux for 2024!
Throughout his journey at Hampton Park Secondary College, Ken has always been a quiet achiever who has fully applied himself to every task and challenge put before him. With a quick brain and eye for detail, even as a bright-eyed Year 7 student, we knew Ken would achieve greatness. He is a lover of Math and Science, which shone throughout his VCE as he tackled some of the more challenging subjects and strived to achieve greatness.
As part of his General VCE Certificate, Ken studied, Physics achieving a study score of 41, Chemistry, General Math and English, and Math Methods as a Year 11 Student, achieving a study score of 38.
Ken has achieved an ATAR score of 95.75
We are incredibly proud of Kens accomplishments and wish him the best of luck in the future. Ken is hoping to study Chemical Engineering at University. We know he will do wonderful things, and we cannot wait to see what he achieves beyond our gates!

Robert Hoare
This is the story of Robert Hoare — a hard-working, humble and dedicated student who strived to excel in all his subjects. Robert made no excuses in his academic journey, putting his head down and taking on every challenge without a complaint.
We are thrilled to share as part of his General VCE Certificate,
Robert has achieved an ATAR score of 94.70
With a perfect score of 50 in Foundation Maths! Robert also achieved a study score of 48 in General Mathematics as a Year 11 student and we could not be prouder!
Robert’s determination and hard work has also led him to receive the Academic Excellence Award in Accounting, Foundation Mathematics and Health and Human Development in Year 12! Robert embodies our school values, showing respect, learning and working together throughout his academic journey at Hampton Park Secondary College.
Robert’s first VTAC preference is a Bachelor of Accounting. We wish Robert the best of luck in all his future endeavours. We are incredibly proud of what he has achieved.

Jacob Axford
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out.”— Dr Seuss
our Victorian Pathways Certificate Dux for 2024!
Jacob is a standout boy who dances and sings through life and brings joy to all those around him. Jacob readily accepted every challenge thrown his way, and he was always open to improvement and feedback. With the support of some wonderful staff who always believed in him and helped him throughout his time at school, he has achieved success.
Jacob was provided with multiple opportunities while at HPSC, completing two full Certificates and a handful of micro-credentials such as an RSA, Espresso Making, and First Aid, all of which will provide him with transferrable skills into future employment.
Speaking of his future, Jacob will draw on learnings and experiences from his Certificate II and III in Baking (school-based apprenticeship), to continue his passion of working in that industry post school. We look forward to seeing where his feet take him!

Toefiliga Lokeni
Our VCE Vocational Major Dux of 2024!
Toefiliga is an outgoing, strong and determined young lady who excels in leading and fostering a sense of community. Toefiliga remains unapologetically herself – she uplifts those around her and brings positivity into any space she enters, with her magnetic personality.
Toefiliga completed VCE-VM with a Cert II in Sport and Recreation. Throughout her journey she has always displayed resilience and dedication towards her studies. Amongst her academic studies, Toefiliga showcased her leadership skills as the Hollows School Captain, leading assemblies and representing HPSC in numerous events. A whole school event wasn’t complete without Toefiliga hyping up her peers and staff. This led to her receiving the College Council Recognition of Community Achievement Award!
Toefiliga hopes to study teaching to become a teacher here at HPSC and follow in the footsteps of of those who inspired her. We wish Toefiliga the best of luck and hope to see her as Ms Lokeni in the near future!

Michelle Chhoung
Meet Michelle Chhoung. A student who excels through quiet determination and a strong, go-getter attitude. Whilst she may be reserved, her focus and drive speak volumes, as she has consistently achieved academic success.
Michelle completed her studies in English, Maths Methods, Chemistry, Physics, Business Management and VET – Kitchen Operations - showing that she can achieve success in a wide range of subject areas.
Michelle achieved an ATAR score of 89.9, with study scores of 37 for English and 37 for Physics.
With a calm and steady approach, Michelle tackles challenges with a positive mindset, always striving to do her best. Her ability to remain dedicated and work diligently sets her apart, proving that excellence doesn’t always have to be loud—sometimes, it’s the quiet achievers who make the biggest impact.

Daleia Emille Lacomel
This is the story of Daleia Emille Lacomel - the epitome of hard work and dedication, working multiple jobs to provide for herself, whilst striving to achieve academic success. Daliea believes her struggles have helped her build resilience and her ability to navigate life. Throughout her entire schooling journey, she has never let her struggles get the better of her – and she has worked hard to learn and find ways to make her life efficient, effective, and balanced.
Daliea plans to go on to study science and engineering or maybe teaching at University. What she does know is she wants to help people, help the environment, and make the world a better place. She wants to create a change that combats plastic pollution and utilises plastic waste into something useful and beneficial.
Dalieas advice for other students is to ‘never give up and take little steps to achieve greater goals’. Having a big dream or vision is not impossible, even in instances that feel like it. With determination, resilience and by not giving up, you can achieve anything. Patience is the key.

Elijah James (EJ) Carlos Dichoso
This is the story of Elijah James (EJ) Carlos Dichoso. EJ credits his wonderful family who love and support him, to his success. EJ has worked hard throughout his schooling to stay on top of his studies regardless of the challenges that came his way. He believes a positive mindset helps to lift the load when we come up against trials and testings.
Whilst he is unsure of what the future holds, EJ knows he wants to be successful in life and ensure prosperity for his loved ones. He aims to leave a legacy in whatever he chooses to pursue. He will always strive to work hard and become someone his family is proud of.
An inspiring learning experience he has had is learning how to accept unexpected results. He has used this mantra throughout his schooling to understand what went wrong and how he can improve. These experiences have helped shape him into who he is and strengthen my resilience.
Ejs advice for other students is to try your hardest to make the most of it. It always pays off!

Gavin Beltran
This is the story of Gavin Beltran. A quiet, high achiever, who loves learning!
Gavin says his Year 12 experience was rewarding and fulfilling. He cannot choose his favourite subject, as he has truly loved them all! Gavin attributes his success to his teachers. He says they were all incredible and inspired him to give everything his best, constantly encouraging him to work beyond his limits. Gavin will always be grateful to his teachers for continuing to believe in him, even during times when he didn’t believe in himself. Thanks to the support of his Physics Teacher specifically, for inspiring a genuine passion in this subject area and helping him realise his strengths in this study.
The biggest challenge Gavin faced was trying to do too many things at once, balancing working part-time, managing hobbies, taking care of himself, and staying on top of his studies. As the workload increased, Gavin admits he struggled, leading to burnout and the realization of sacrifice. He was a bit stubborn, so learned the hard way, now knowing it’s important to recognise your limits and be kinder to yourself when you can’t do everything. Gavins advice to students heading into year 12 is don’t bite off more than you can chew and prioritise your work.
Next year, he hopes to do a double degree in Science and Engineering to dive deeper into Physics, particularly in areas like quantum mechanics and astrophysics. He is interested in exploring the fundamental laws of the universe and how abstract theories can explain phenomena we observe in the real world.

Kate Siliili
Meet Kate Siliili, a Year 12 Student at Hampton Park Secondary College who graduated under the VPC (Victorian Pathways Certificate). Kate’s journey has been incredibly successful. She has continually proven to all students and staff that success comes in many shapes and sizes, and is not one size fits all. Kate is a perfect example that if you put your mind to something you can most definitely achieve it! Kate is well respected by her fellow peers. She always has a smile on her face and constantly checks in with others. She has always stayed committed to her education including her exceptional attendance record.
Kate has been a part of the SBAT program at HPSC and has now completed two qualifications whilst studying Year 11 and 12 – Certificate II in Eco-Systems and Conversation and Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations (Warehousing).
Kate doesn’t know exactly what she wants to do now she’s finished school, but with her many achievements and the certificates and micro credentials she has gained, she is well on her way to a new, positive chapter, in the story of her life. We are very proud of her efforts and hard work!

Ela Gelik De Silva
Meet Ela Gelik De Silva. A confident and hard-working young woman who certainly knows what she wants in life. Ela completed the VCE VM at HPSC. Throughout her schooling she has been known to light up a room with here charismatic personality. Ela has an unstoppable go-getter attitude to life, no matter how hard times get. Her resilience has shone throughout her journey at HPSC completing her Cert II in Sport and Recreation. Ela never backs down from an obstacle and will climb it, owning it every step of the way.
Over Ela’s time at HPSC she has been an asset to our community. In her final years she completed many hours of placement reaching her goal to become a personal trainer – which was an important goal for her, as she wishes to help people have a healthier and happier life.
Ela has given her absolute best to complete and enjoy every aspect of her journey at school. Congratulations Ela. Whilst this chapter has closed, you are now beginning a new one and we know you will continue to achieve success.

Mert Acikyurt
“Life is like a bed you keep going back to it.”– Unknown
This is the story of Mert Acikyurt – an eccentric student who loves to joke around and laugh with his friends. Mert completed the VPC (Victorian Pathways Certificate) at Hampton Park Secondary College. Throughout his schooling he displayed persistence and resilience. He always showed his willingness to improve by seeking and applying feedback.
Through the VPC program, Mert completed Metal Fabrication as his SBAT and has completed a handful of micro-credentials such as an RSA, Espresso Making, and First Aid, all of which will provide him with transferrable skills into future employment. Mert plans on becoming a plumber in the future and we wish him the best of luck!
Thank you for showing students that success is not one size fits all! We are proud of who you have become and the incredible success you have achieved.

Ridge Wills
“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.”— Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Meet Ridge Wills. Ridge is a 2024 Year 12 HPSC Graduate who successfully completed his VCE VM Certificate, a Certificate III in Hospitality and a Certificate II in Workplace Skills.
His dream is to use the knowledge gained from his VET courses and all the micro-credentials he completed as part of his VCE VM program, such as his RSA and Food Safety certificates, to work as a Bartender/Mixologist and let his creative flare loose. Ridge undertook SWL that allowed him to draw on aspects of both his VET qualifications, and in doing so, applied the theory he learned on communication and customer service to solidify his pathway to success.

Bariea Saleem
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, just build a door.”— Milton Berle
Meet Bariea Saleem – A young woman who is committed to a future career in the healthcare industry. With a helping nature, Bariea is keen to learn new things and apply transferrable skills from her part-time job to opportunities that come knocking.
She enthusiastically completed her Certificate III in Health Services Assistance, alongside that of her VCE VM. These opportunities have given her the chance to continue her studies with further education and training, leading into a medical career. Bariea has been successful in an application to continue her studies in 2025 at Holmesglen in a Certificate III in Dental Assistance.
When Bariea first arrived in Australia in 2022, she had many medical appointments with doctors and interacted with many healthcare professionals. Those memories enormously impacted her direction post school and reinforced to her the desire to help others as her way of living - something she never wants to see change.

Mighaila Cruz Del Rosario
Meet Mighaila Cruz Del Rosario. An inspirational, hardworking and resilient young woman, Mighaila completed her VCE VM Certificate in 2024, alongside a Certificate III in Business. She was given the opportunity to upskill with micro-credentialling, such as First Aid, a White Card and a RSA, as part of her VCE VM program. She worked hard throughout the year to not let negativity consume her, struggling with the juggles of life, and pushed through every one of those challenges and obstacles to graduate Year 12.
She is proud of herself, as she has every right to be, and so are we at HPSC!

Lejla Estrefi
This is the story of Lejla Estrefi. A student who claims that Year 12 was a huge year for her and she cannot believe she has finished.
Her favourite thing about year 12 was being able to spend her last year creating bonds of friendship as well as memories that will remain forever.
The biggest challenge she overcame throughout her schooling was coming back after the passing of her father. Lejla drew on every inch of resilience she had to return. It was an incredibly difficult time, but she is proud that she returned to school and succeeded to the end. We are very proud of her and the fine young woman she has become. Lejlas advice to students starting year 12 is to believe that you can do it.
After school she hopes to become a childcare educator because she had experience running classes for children, through her VET course, which has how turned into an aspiration and passion.
VCE Success 2023
Success comes in many forms!
There are many pathways for students.
At HPSC, we recognise that success can occur in many ways. All students are unique and individual. At our College, we recognise that ‘one size does not fit all’, and students are encouraged to find and follow their own passion to achieve success.
We are very proud of all our students.

Jessica Dekazos
"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."
Jessica Dekazos. A name synonymous with being a quiet achiever, in the pursuit of academic excellence. She began her education at Hampton Park Secondary College in 2018, demonstrating a strong focus and desire to learn. Her approach to her VCE has involved focus and attention to the work covered in all subject areas. In 2023 she undertook English, Maths Methods, Chemistry and Biology. From her early days, Jessica has shown a passion for learning, and has been focused on classroom activities and tasks leading her to success. Jessica volunteered to assist in school activities including Open Night and showed her interest through involvement in College life. Jessica had a clear vision for her secondary school years and followed her interests, hoping to pursue future studies in Science.
Jessica is our Dux, achieving a study score of 96.35. When asked about how she felt, Jessica says she was happily surprised and shocked, as she did not expect to do that well. She achieved this result, she claims, by trying her best and believing in herself. Next year she hopes to get into Biomedical Science at Monash University.

Isabelle Foo Soo Chan
Isabelle Foo Soo Chan. A name synonymous with a focus on learning, striving for the best and working quietly to achieve success. Isabelle is keen to pursue a career in Biomedicine and is hoping to study a Bachelor course at Melbourne University. In 2023, Isabelle studied a General VCE Certificate, with English, Math Methods, General Math, Biology, Chemistry and Health at University as part of the CHES program. When Isabelle first saw her ATAR, she was shocked and could not believe it, but she was very relieved. She says she achieved what she did with the support and help of her teachers, her friends, and her family.
Isabelle achieved an ATAR of 96 and we are very proud of her achievement!

Raymond Ly
“Train insane or stay the same”
I live by that quote because I feel like it applies to all aspects of my life, whether it be academically or in my personal aspirations.
Raymond Ly. A name synonymous with wisdom, focus, dedication, and commitment. In 2023 Raymond studied a General VCE Certificate, specifically English, Chemistry, General Maths, Biology, Psychology and Physics. When he opened his results on Monday morning, he was honestly astounded and incredibly shocked that his efforts had finally paid off. He believes he achieved the scores he did by attempting to improve himself after each assessment and when provided with feedback. Next year, he hopes to get into his dream course – A Bachelor of Commerce and Biomedical science at Monash University.
Raymond received an ATAR of 90.65. What an outstanding result!
Mohit Sharma
“Where words leave off, music begins.”- Heinrich Heine
Mohit Sharma. A name synonymous with music and a no-nonsense attitude. In 2023, as part of his Senior Secondary experience, Mohit successfully completed his VCE Certificate (Vocational Major), as well as a Certificate III in Music (Sound Production). Mohit undertook Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) and secured himself a role, post school, as an Audio Engineer after impressing his employers. In his spare time, Mohit completed online certification, enabling him to also work in the disability industry as a backup pathway. Mohit credits his passion for music and for wanting to pursue work in the music industry to his VET Trainer.

Hossein Sadeghi
"Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That’s why we call it ‘the present’.”- Bill Keane
Hossein Sadeghi. A name synonymous with a passion for life and a resilient attitude. In 2023, as part of his Senior Secondary experience, Hossein successfully completed his VCE Certificate (Vocational Major), as well as a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance. Hossein worked closely with the school Careers Team to apply for and successfully be accepted into a Diploma of Nursing. Hossein credits his passion for wanting to help others and pursuing a career in the healthcare industry to his VET Trainer.

Somaya Rezaei
“To laugh often and much: To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Somaya Rezaei. A name synonymous with laughter and a positive attitude. In 2023, as part of her Senior Secondary experience, Somaya successfully completed her VCE Certificate (Vocational Major), as well as a Certificate III in Applied Fashion Design and Technology. Post school, Somaya is working in the retail industry while waiting to undertake further education and training in accounting and bookkeeping at TAFE. Somaya credits her successful schooling completion to her Year 12 teachers, for providing the final push, and the school’s Careers Team for helping her navigate courses of interest to best set her up for life after school.

Sanchika Jeyanthan
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”- Eleanor Roosevelt
Sanchika Jeyanthan. A name synonymous with hard work, community spirit and a sense of care for all. In 2023 Sanchika completed a Year 12 VCE Certificate with the subjects, English, Physics, Legal Studies, Math Methods, and completed Year 12 Psychology in 2022. Sanchika has been a valued member of our College Community and has been involved in all aspects of school life. Sanchika was the Freeman College Captain and was the recipient of 2 awards - The Ampol All Rounder Award and the Holt Student Leaders Award, recognizing outstanding contribution to supporting peers, academic excellence, community service and leadership skills. Sanchika plans to complete further study in aerospace engineering.

Vernon Santiago

Loren Sumner
“Happy endings are coming, but they take time. Yours is just around the river bend.”- Chloé Hayden
Loren Sumner. A name synonymous with resilience, determination, and advocacy for others. In 2023, Loren completed her Year 12 VCE Certificate. Loren plans on deferring from her first-choice university course of a Bachelor of Arts at Deakin University for at least six months to focus on her new job as a Programs Facilitator at Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS). She hasn’t been certain in what she wants to do in the future throughout high school but has always worked hard throughout her studies as well as exploring her passions within the community. During Year 12 Loren participated in many events and programs related to disability, autism, and mental health awareness. Some of these include speaking at the Yellow Ladybugs 2023 conference and writing for their upcoming book; co-designing a booklet for future Disability Inclusion Profiles in schools with YDAS and the Department of Education and being a part of Satellite Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council.
School wasn’t always easy for Loren, but she remained committed to her learning and always tried her best, resulting in high marks across all of her subjects and receiving the academic excellence award in both Psychology and Media. While Loren may not have a clear-cut idea of what the future holds for her, she is highly passionate about helping and advocating for others, especially those who are autistic, have disabilities and/or struggle with mental health challenges. She aspires to continue her work within the lived experience sector and hopes to make a change for the better for the next generation of kids going through school and experiencing life.