Student Attendance

School is better when you’re here!

We encourage every Student, when they are well, to come to School every day so as to maximise their learning outcomes/opportunities and to support their success now and beyond School.

At Hampton Park Secondary College we have high expectations for our students.

In 2022 we raised our expectations around attendance and in 2023 we will continue to raise them in support of our student’s achieving success.

We congratulate the students who are maintaining a strong attendance percentage already this year. Likewise we congratulate those who have returned that we did not see consistently in 2022. We are incredibly proud of your efforts! An attendance celebration will take place this Term in recognition of all students above 95% attendance and those who have shown improvement in their attendance. House points are being awarded to the House with the strongest attendance percentage and students who arrive to school and to class ‘on time, every time’.  

We do appreciate there are times where absence is necessary, and we certainly do not want students attending school when they are ill. In this situation please provide the school with a medical certificate for absence.

Why is attendance so important and why have we raised our expectations?

Evidence suggests students who attend school more often achieve greater academic achievement and increased post school opportunities.

Every day of absence makes a difference. The effect of one day of absence, while relatively small, adds up quickly as more and more days are missed. The effect of missing days accumulates over time – school absence not only impacts achievement in the year in which the days are missed, but in future years as well.

Students in Years 10-12 below 95% attendance are required to redeem their time.

Redemption of time can take place in the following ways:

  • Before school – The student must report to their House, to be supervised by a member of the House Leadership Team
  • After school – on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday – Students are to report to M1 (on Monday and Wednesday) and Freeman House on Friday. Students redeeming time must explain to the supervising teacher, why they are there to have their attendance logged
  • Pupil free days – with information communicated prior to the day
  • School holidays – with information communicated prior to the day

No redemption of time will take place in the CRC. And no redemption of time will be counted if a student is not ACTIVE in their learning time – coming prepared with work to complete and completing it. Students who are below the required 95% risk progression into the following year, based on gaps in learning.

Attached are fact sheets for parents/carers about the importance of attendance. Any questions, please speak with myself or a member of your childs House Leadership Team. If we work together, we can achieve more for your child and for our community.

Below are some factsheets, Q&A’s, and Legislation around Attendance in Victoria

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